Fair play that a 3 bedroom house occupied just by an elderly person would be ideal to be given to a young family but the problem is that the elderly person has lived in that house for 30yrs or more and raised their family in it, it's a home that's full of memories, for someone with short term memory the house is familiar and they feel safe, also if they are in late 70s to 90s being moved to smaller accommodation and having to dispose of some of their belongings as well is a tremendous upheaval for them....a lot of elderly ppl die a few months after being moved out of their home, some of the elderly clients I looked after who were in their 90s and 2 were over a 100yrs old, they lived in their own homes, you don't see many live to a 100 in a nursing home.
If the right to buy and having a high number of asylum seekers etc there wouldn't be a problem and the elderly could be left in their cherished homes for as long as possible.